Nancy D. Butler is the founder of “Above All Else, Success in Life and Business®”, an organization focused on helping individuals live a successful life and realize their dreams as well as helping businesses to do a better job for their clients while improving their bottom line.
Following your dreams can be difficult when facing adversities in life that seem impossible to work through or cope with. For over 30 years Nancy Butler, the owner of Above All Else, Success in Life & Business®, has worked with thousands of individuals, organizations, and businesses to help improve performance and build personal and financial success. Prior to her own successes, she was a single mother. With no alimony, child support or other sources of income, Nancy moved 70 miles away with her two daughters and started her own business to support her family while helping others. At the new location she was offered a salaried position at a higher pay then she had ever had before. However, she realized they were hiring her at “the top of the ladder,” leaving her no place to grow. Nancy knew what she needed was a career and not a job. She felt having her own business would give her the flexibility she needed with her time to raising her family while allowing her to build a successful career. She managed to raise her family on her own and simultaneously build an extremely profitable and successful business to approx. $200 million dollars under her management. After 25 years she sold her business to devote her time to being a professional speaker, instructor, business coach and author, allowing her to pass on the knowledge she has gained over the years to enable others to live a more successful life and realize their personal and business dreams.
Who is Nancy D. Butler?
Nancy has been quoted in many local and national publications including USA Today, Money Magazine, The New England Real Estate Journal, Forbes, The National Business Institute, Playboy Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, AARP, The Financial Planning Association, The Day and many more. She has been a speaker for major corporations, the military, and associations in a wide variety of industries including Pfizer, General Dynamics, Dow Chemical, Chambers of Commerce, Financial Planning Companies, Real Estate firms, CT Education Assoc. Retirees, The Academy of Dental Management Consultants, Connecticut Floral Assoc., Event Planners Assoc., High Schools, Colleges, US Navy, US Coast Guard, Air National Guard and many others.
Nancy has been a guest on many radio and television shows and is the author of the books “Above All Else, Success in Life and Business” published in 2012, “A Realtors Guide to Greater Success, Above and Beyond the Competition” published in 2014, and “Above All Else, Independence, Happiness and Success in Your Senior Years” published in 2017.
Well Healed Woman – sample in person presentation
Time Management – sample on line presentation