Above All Else, Success in Life and Business®

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Did you believe you had life figured out at a young age—only to realize you still had a lot to learn as hardships and loss became the norm? Author Nancy Butler knows how you feel. She married at age 15, had two children, and sixteen years later, she found herself in the process of divorce without any child support or alimony. Having limited professional skills, she set out to find a career that would not only support her children but would also help other people.
Told in practical anecdotal fashion, you will be inspired by Butler. Grow with her during her struggles as a young bride, and then again as a mother. Learn from her as she finds a profession in which she not only finds success but also helps countless people design their own future plans. Laugh with Nancy as she shares funny moments from family life. Hurt with her as she loses her father and other loved ones, and then honors their legacies. Rejoice with her as she finds a second chance at love.
Butler built her financial planning business to approx. $200 million in assets under management and then purposefully chose her successor before leaving the business to pursue other endeavors. Nancy has been quoted in many local and national publications including USA Today, Forbes, Money Magazine, The National Business Institute, The New England Real Estate Journal, The Financial Planning Association, AARP, US News and World Report, and many others. She has been a speaker for major corporations, the military, and associations in a wide variety of industries. Some companies include Pfizer, General Dynamics, Dow Chemical, Millstone/Northeast Utilities, The Academy of Dental Management Consultants, Connecticut Floral Association, the Event Planners Association, and many others. Nancy has also spoken to many different industries, including Chambers of Commerce, Financial Planning Companies, Real Estate firms, High Schools, Colleges, US Navy, US Coast Guard, Air National Guard, and many others.
“We had little money to live on when we were first married in 1965. He earned $87.00 a week and I didn’t work outside the home. To help with the finances, I began babysitting. Seventy-five cents an hour wasn’t much, but every little bit helped.”
“In 1967, I had a thirty-five dollar budget for two weeks of groceries and used a handheld plastic counter to add everything I put into my shopping cart. If it went over by even one dollar, I didn’t have the money and would have to put something back. This may sound stressful and difficult, but at the time I enjoyed the challenge and seeing how far I could stretch a dollar. We ate well. I baked most from scratch, rather than using expensive mixes. And I really enjoyed seeing what I could accomplish.”
“I knew that at some point I would want to retire. I also wanted my business, which I started in 1981, to thrive after I sold it and I wanted my nearly 1,200 clients to be well taken care of. For that to happen, I had a lot of work to do.”
“As a single parent, it was so difficult to raise two girls on my own. When I was at work, I felt guilty that I wasn’t with them. And when I was with them, I often couldn’t put my work away since it was what was keeping a roof over our heads. I devised a way to figure out what was going on even when I wasn’t there.”
“I believe we can do pretty much anything we want to in life. We just have to want it badly enough and truly believe in ourselves.”