Below is an outline of some of the topics Nancy typically speaks on. Additionally, other topics are available upon request. All topics can be customized to your specific needs.
The earlier we develop the right mind set regarding our own happiness, finances and career, the greater chance we will have the life we want, for the rest of our life. Nancy will help students and youth be better prepared to take control of their futures.
Happiness and Success
Happiness and success is a choice
By demonstrating how happiness and success is a choice, Nancy helps students and youth not only cultivate positive habits and mindsets, but achieve higher levels of success today and for the rest of their lives. Some of the points covered include:
- Where is your passion, where is your joy?
- What is success to you?
- Money management
- Overcoming your challenges
- Making your own happiness today and for the rest of your life
- Taking control of your future success
Money Management
If You’re Not Good With Money, It’s Probably Not Your Fault
For most people today, there is little to no education on how to manage our own finances. Yet, the opportunity to get into debt has never been easier. How can we expect our youth to be financially responsible without ever being shown the tools? Nancy will show how to have the right money management habits from the start. Some of the points covered include:
- Setting goals for yourself and how to have the money you need to get you there
- How to manage your first and future paychecks to have the things you want the most in life
- How to balance spending today and saving for tomorrow
- Mindset is everything. If you really want financial success in your life, you can have it
- Other topics available upon request
- All topics can be customized to your specific organization's needs
- If you have something else in mind, reach out to Nancy and recommend a topic.