While in the process of a divorce I took my children and with no child support, alimony or other sources of income, moved 70 miles away and started my own business.
At the new location I was offered a salaried position at a higher pay then I had ever had before but realized they were hiring me at “the top of the ladder” leaving me no place to grow. I did not want a job. I needed a career.
I learned early on that getting in front of one client at a time would not build the business fast enough. It was imperative that I get in front of a lot of people quickly, but had little money to spend on marketing. I needed to “think outside the box” and find low-cost ways to get the public to know who I am and what I can do for them. I got very good at marketing and media relations and put into place efficient and effective systems to enable me to build the business quickly.
I built the business from scratch to one of the top asset management and financial planning practices in the country with the parent company. With approx. $200 million in assets under management in 2007 I sold my practice.
With over 30 years of experience, I am now a professional speaker and coach to help business owners do a better job for their clients while improving their bottom line.
Speaking Topics
Above All Else®, Success in Life and Business

A Realtor's Guide to Greater Success: Above and Beyond the Competition

In 2012, Nancy interviewed Realtors across the country to discover whether different Realtors in different parts of the country where dealing with the same issues or their own particular breed of hardships in the current economic and real estate environment.