It’s not always about balance. Sometimes it needs to be give-and-take
Achieving a true balance is most likely not possible. Don’t drive yourself crazy trying to force it to be. There will be days when your business will require more time and attention. And, there will be days when your family and personal life requires it as well. Splitting your attention between the two evenly is not a reasonable goal.
Instead realize that there will be times you’ll be spending a lot more time on business-related activities. You may feel you are neglecting your family or personal life. Remember that your business won’t always demand this much attention. And sometimes your family and personal life will require more of your time and attention.
It is important for you to take some “alone time” for yourself, whether it be 20 minutes or an entire day. If you do that it can rejuvenate you enabling you to be better able to manage your personal life and your business more efficiently and effectively.