Stand out as the Realtor of Choice – part 2
Think about it this way.
With so many Realtors for home buyers and sellers to pick from, why should they choose you? What makes you different/better? How can you step it up to stand out from the competition?
One example might be to offer a free packet to all prospective buyers or sellers on their first meeting with you. The packet could include:
List of service providers that you have a joint referral agreement with, such as:
- Handy man
- Painter
- Electrician
- Plumber
- Landscaper
- Snow removal
- Lawn care
- Real Estate attorneys
- Real Estate lenders
- Movers
- Packing/shipping companies
- Places that will pick up unwanted items and give a receipt for tax purposes (Bear that Cares, Salvation Army, etc.)
- Places to drop off unwanted items (Good Will, etc.)