It All Starts with our Attitude on Life in General
We all know that some days in our life will be great and others will be very difficult to get through. At times it can be so much easier to remember the bad things. And, for whatever reason we let the good things slip away from our memory. I learned early on to savor and make a special note (sometimes on paper) when things went exceptionally well. I told myself that I need to remember this when I have a bad day. I did my best to think logically, to be aware of the fact that I have far more good days than bad days. And, to remember that life is not perfect and neither am I, and that’s ok.
Try not to worry about the day to day of life. What matters more is that in any 12 month period you can look back and feel good about the progress you have made and/or the way you lived your life. And if not, know that you have the next 12 months to make it better. Then start right away to plan what you will do differently.
A quote of mine “You can’t do anything about yesterday’s newspaper. But you can effect how tomorrow’s newspaper of your life will read”.