There are many benefits to using a credit card if you handle it properly. Here is one to consider.
Paying for college
Even if you have other ways you are paying for college, such as personal loans, home equity loans, etc. consider first paying the bill with a credit card and then pay off the credit card with the loan money. Here’s why. If you pay off the credit card right away you will pay little to no interest. But the real trick is to have a credit card that gives you points for every dollar you charge. You can then use all those points you accumulate from charging college tuition, fees and expenses to get things you need at no additional cost to you. We used the points for air fare to get our daughter home from college, purchase holiday gifts, and so much more. The higher the cost of the college, the more points you’ll have. Make sure to pay off the credit card right away or the interest can eat up and surpass any advantage the points gave you.