There are many benefits to using a credit card if you handle it properly. Here is one to consider.
Paying for college
Even if you have other ways you are paying for college, such as personal loans, home equity loans,
Many years ago when needing to find a job after having just moved 70 miles to a new location, I came up with a great way to contact decision makers and market my services.
Having left a job in real
Plan and limit your trips to the grocery store. The more often you go, the more you are apt to spend. Also, when something is on sale, you can get more of it at that price if it will
Being organized can provide greater control over the outcome of all the things you need to do in a day, which in turn can relieve stress and provide a great feeling of accomplishment. So how do you get organized?
After one year being divorced, I decided as a single parent I wanted to take my daughter on a really nice trip. Since it was my first time traveling out of the country and first time traveling on my own,
Are there things that grandparents can specifically teach kids about money? – Often we try to shelter children from the effects of financial hardships when instead grandparents can use this as an opportunity to teach financial responsibility. Showering our grandchildren with
Often young, entry-level men and women have difficulty in managing their new job, personal life and new financial position. They may have a good job but with debt from school and the cost to set up a comfortable living environment,
Taking the first steps to creating a budget can be hard. What should students do to start the process?
Start with a list of known and potential expenses. You can easily find sample budgets online to get you started. You
Use your credit card points to help with college expenses: Regardless of where the money was coming from to pay for college (loan, cash, etc) I would call the school and put the maximum amount allowed on my credit card
When sending my daughter to college, I felt it important that not only did college not mean parties and alcohol, but it also had to mean as much to her as it did to me. I felt a good way