How to turn around a team without firing employees
Often when a business is not running efficiently and effectively it is because the wrong people are in the jobs assigned to them. If you have a good work force in terms of attitude, reliability, ethics and other important factors but the work is not getting done as it should, I suggest the following solution.
Interview or survey each employee to find out the following:
• What do they enjoy most about the work they are doing?
• What do they enjoy least about the work they are doing?
• What tasks would they most like to learn?
• Describe what their ideal job within your company would “look like” for them.
Once you have this information on each employee you can better assess if you have the right people doing the right jobs. Employees can be more productive, efficient and happier if you have the right people in the right jobs. Taking the time now to assess if this is the case in your business, and then realign your work force, can save a lot of time and money for a long time to come.