When nearing or in retirement you may be tempted to take a portion of your savings and pay off a mortgage or other debt so you won’t have it in retirement. This may not the best way to handle your
When saving for retirement during our working years, we often want the greatest tax advantages available to us because we think our taxable income may be higher during our earning years than in retirement. However, for many that is not
With the difficult economy many face today, below are suggestions for inexpensive family activities.
Volunteer as a family for a charity that you believe in, i.e. soup kitchen, women’s shelter, etc. It gives the whole family a way you can
Plan and limit your trips to the grocery store. The more often you go, the more you are apt to spend. Also, when something is on sale, you can get more of it at that price if it will
#1 My first concern for you is not your potential need for long-term care. My first concern is being sure you have the income you need to live the life you want to live for whatever years you have left
Working long hours I only had time to briefly scan my credit card statements each month. Until one month I noticed a charge to the “Palm Store”. I had not owned a Palm for several years and knew that I
I suggest you research and tour the facilities in your area starting at about age 65, or sooner if you are concerned. The purpose of this is to be able to put in writing to your family where you would
Health care expenses: With people living longer, medical cost rising and many employers not providing retiree medical coverage, the cost to an individual can be far more than they may have expected.
Inflation: With the cost of gas for
Are there things that grandparents can specifically teach kids about money? – Often we try to shelter children from the effects of financial hardships when instead grandparents can use this as an opportunity to teach financial responsibility. Showering our grandchildren with
Once you have the facts, the decision isn’t that difficult. First you need to know if you plan on working at all. If, yes, how much will you earn each year? Next you need to know the amount you are