Many people today are extremely busy balancing work, family, and life in general. It is imperative that you make it easy for them to do business with you.
In today’s era of technology, there are several options you can make
Many small business owners find there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything was done that is required of them, let alone find any time at all to work on the changes that are necessary to take their
Developing and implementing systems to enable everyone in the business to “touch things only once” whenever possible, is a key to an efficient and effectively run business. Think about how much time is spent on a particular issue and how
What can companies do to position themselves for success and earnings boosts in the future when facing a challenging economy?
Now is a good time to take a few steps back and really look at the business and how you
#1 Mind set is crucial – Have a vision for the future – 1, 3 and 5 years out. Do not focus only on the short-term
#2 Business plan – Prepare and follow a written business plan. It’s hard to get to
1. Is your product or service still a must for consumers when there is a need for people to cut back? For example, when budgets are tight people may still eat out with their family but may stay away from
First – Do your research before you pitch
Learn all you can about the company or person you are pitching to. What do they do? How do they do it? What are their challenges? How does that fit in with
Problem #1
Salespeople often try too hard to sell their product or service, which can turn off the prospective buyer. Instead go in with the attitude that you are there to team with them to help solve a problem and
How do you determine your ideal client profile? The answer is dependent on the type of business you have. However, there are some factors that apply to almost all businesses.
Knowing your ideal client or customer is critical for the
1) When should you say no to a client?
Your reputation means everything for the future success of your business. If a potential or existing client wants you to provide a service or product that you feel is not a